Site Built For Visually Impaired

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Our Mission

Our mission is to help blind and low vision students gain independence through vocational training and all-round development. Professionally competent, responsible and adaptable global citizens in the making.

What is the main aim of our organisation?

Aesthesis Foundation believes in empowerment through skilled education based on optimum utilization of four senses. At Aesthesis Foundation we specifically aim at enhancement of the four senses, not as a mere compensation for the absence of visual sense, but actually a different potential deriving from the development of these senses.

We help visually impaired students from lower socioeconomic background gain good career-openings through vocational training. At Aesthesis Foundation we provide trade-based training, internships, leading to better job opportunities, which would ensure financial independence.

So, how is vocational training beneficial? It fills the gap between theory and practice with skill-based training and hands-on experience. We intend to tackle the resistance faced by visually impaired students in form of stereotypes at work places by providing them skilled training & our strategically planned internships. Thus, we ensure that our students would be prepared to enter the pragmatic work environment. The experience of internship would be a great boost to procure job later due to enhanced interpersonal skills. The student is thus mentally well prepared for implementation of her/ his skills with lesser self-doubt.

How do we help visually impaired students overcome challenges?

Firstly, lack of internships and trade based training hamper their options for opportunities. Secondly, time consuming orientation, adaptation at work place, facing the misconceptions of sighted colleagues are ongoing challenges, even after they secure a job. In order to accelerate the integration process, Aesthesis Foundation provides rigorous step by step training through intensive computer courses, mobility training, relevant soft skills, counselling, thereby accelerating the integration process.


While Aesthesis Foundation provides several practical, hands-on skills free to all selected visually impaired students, it also ensures that students develop accountability and to develop a sense of responsibility for their actions. The real problem of blindness is not the lack of sight but the misunderstanding & lack of information which go hand-in-hand with limited opportunities to experiment. Aesthesis Foundation would provide visually impaired students the required space to unearth their passion & talent.